Among the restaurants in Riccione it is certainly the place that most of all talks about the sea, the sun, happiness and above all great fish meals together with many friends and travel companions with whom to share the best moments.
The Patty restaurant is a fragment of happiness, where everything revolves around the idea of making the customer feel good.
The restaurant is located on the beach, in the northern part of Riccione.
The watchword of the restaurant is "freshness": raw seafood, fish caught on the hook, raw materials that for us are not just a side dish but fundamental elements for the success of an excellent lunch or an excellent dinner, are purchased with the precise idea of astounding.
To date it can be considered one of the best restaurants for gourmet tourists who are looking for typical Romagna cuisine but never banal.
We can say that talking about this restaurant is like talking about a nice summer holiday in Riccione.
The Patty restaurant is a fragment of happiness, where everything revolves around the idea of making the customer feel good.
The restaurant is located on the beach, in the northern part of Riccione.
The watchword of the restaurant is "freshness": raw seafood, fish caught on the hook, raw materials that for us are not just a side dish but fundamental elements for the success of an excellent lunch or an excellent dinner, are purchased with the precise idea of astounding.
To date it can be considered one of the best restaurants for gourmet tourists who are looking for typical Romagna cuisine but never banal.
We can say that talking about this restaurant is like talking about a nice summer holiday in Riccione.