"Die Welt" is a German newspaper that dedicated its page to Rimini, titling it "In addition to the beach, many treasures".
The report was released on September 11th.
The journalist Sonke Kruger decided to write this newspaper page on Rimini to retrace his childhood experience, when fifty years ago he spent his holidays with his parents on the beach, which was called "Teutonengrill", which literally means "grill for Teutonic"; it was used to indicate a type of seaside holiday loved by Germans in the period in which Romagna was the only destination easily reachable from Germany.
The report was released on September 11th.
The journalist Sonke Kruger decided to write this newspaper page on Rimini to retrace his childhood experience, when fifty years ago he spent his holidays with his parents on the beach, which was called "Teutonengrill", which literally means "grill for Teutonic"; it was used to indicate a type of seaside holiday loved by Germans in the period in which Romagna was the only destination easily reachable from Germany.