Carnival is a festival that every year brings together thousands of people through the streets of the world's cities with parades and
The most common and known characteristics of the Carnival are the colors, the confetti, the fun, the sweets (like the chatter or the castagnole), the costumes and the famous masks, known especially those of Venice.
In the various areas of Italy there are different traditions to celebrate it, and this is why over the years more and more Italian cities have become increasingly known thanks to their way of celebrating.
Among the most famous Italian cities for their traditions with which they celebrate Carnival we find:
-Venice, where every year one of the most famous carnivals in the world takes place, attracting millions of visitors from all over the world.
-Viareggio, which every year delights its visitors with wonderful parades of giant floats and themed parades;
-Ivrea, where every year the Carnival is celebrated to the sound of "oranges", the tradition wants in fact that during this period the people who participate compete in a battle where you throw the oranges;
-Fano, and also the closest to us among those mentioned, where the Carnival is celebrated to the sound of music and between parades of floats, what however makes the city famous during this period is the "Getto"that is, the throwing of various sweets from the wagons that cross the streets of the city.
Have you ever been to one of these?